salam ukhuwah dihulur mendahului diriku...
ahlan wasahlan ya sahabat....
pelabuhan sauh tintaku di laman ini membawa seribu satu makna yang mendalam bagi hidup ku..
memberi sejuta satu erti dalam perjalananku menujuNya..
pencarian sebutir permata hitam di dasar laut keimanan akan ku teruskan,... walau ape pon yang akan aku tempuhi... akanku gigihkan jua demi cintaMu..... insyallah..


Sunday, January 12, 2014

of 2014 and me

after some times not posting anything here. now i drop by just to update a few things happen around me..
and just a few hours ago, my housemate and I happened to discover a very fun activity which is online personality quizzes. we enjoyed it well. laughing all times and giggling to death. ahhaha. somehow, most of the results  reflect us much. and yeah below are the results of mine. hooohoo.

Locked Heart
You may have a crush on someone or most probably it's a love;that's the reason why you feel so trapped.Your heart yearns for that person but perhaps it is more like an unrequited love.You're not really sure if he/she loves you back;maybe yes or maybe not.It could also be that he/she love you and you know it;but the thing between you & him/her is not working that much.Still,it's the very reason why you feel some-kind lonely and it's causing you pained too.At times,you wish you could just get the hell out of it.It's making you feel stuck.You simply can't move on to someone else and it felt like as if someone has locked your heart.You may want to unlock it but you don't know how;and it may seems like you've lost the key.So now you're hopeless,waiting for someone to set you free;but don't worry,no matter what someone will come along the way and safe you from this imprisonment.


second quiz: Katniss Everdeen

third quiz: a wizard

fourth quiz: Hagrid

Fifth quiz

You Scored as Slightly hurt
Your getting better as time goes on but it still haunts you somethimes. Keep your head up and don't smile just to make people think your alright. Show your true feelings and everything will be okay as long as you have friends there to help you back up.

Slightly hurt
You feel betrayed.
Happy as can be

from: click here

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sang Ilusi

Mendongak aku ke langit,
memasang angan-angan menggapai bintang,
mengatur strategi menongkah awan,
tuk menawan bintang nan terang.
dek kerana asyik mendongak ke atas,
seringkali aku terlupa, 
terlupa untuk kembali memandang ke bawah,
jua terlupa bintang itu hanya mimpi,
ilusi dan fantasi yang direka.
Sedarilah wahai diri,
yang nyata itu adalah pepasir kasar
menyentuh kaki,
bukan anganan indah yang tinggi melangit.
Wahai diri, 
usah terpedaya.
Wahai diri,
'Kasar dan berbatu bata' itu 
ada nilai realitinya.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

and I said: thank YOU ALLAH

Dear Allah.

sometimes it's hard for me to understand what's going on.
sometimes it's difficult for me to find reasons why this's happening. 
as I trust YOU more than anyone else,
I keep myself patient. 
I keep praying so that I will be always near to YOU,
I keep believing in You more and more
so that I will always be Your humble servant.
my faith is You.
I know You'll never leave me alone
and for sure,
You're giving me what's the best for me. 
Thank you Allah. 
Thank you for everything.
Alhamdulillah. subhanaallah.

with love,Ayein//YOUR full time servant.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sepi menyepi

Dah lama agaknya diri menyepi dari jadi sang penulis di medan maya ni.. Rindu jugak nk men'scribble' contengan2 idea di sini.. Tapi, hurmmm ketiadaan rasa menghalang. Apapon, buat adik2 diluar sana, kaklong ucapkan selamat maju jayaa untuk SPM yang start hari ni.. :) rabbi yassie wala tuassir bil khair..

Monday, August 27, 2012


ingin ku menyusun langkahanku untuk berlari kesana tanpa perlu menoleh ke belakang..
inginku lari bersembunyi disebalik batu-batuan teguh menutupi segala resah
ingin ku sorokkan wajah ini dibawah sehelai baldu menyembunyikan hambar dukaku
inginku pasakkan kaki ke bumi dgn pasak konkrit yang utuh agar aku mampu terus menerus berdiri, berdiri, dan berdiri tanpa perlu rebah tersungkur menyembah bumi...

salam terima kasIh..

...TERiMA Kasih diHUlurkaN keRAna Sudi menJEngukkan Diri DiLAman SeSaWAng yang BersaWang INi...
Lots of Love..